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Let us today make of fat cutter drink with just four simple ingredients all right so to make this spring first thing that we'll need is fresh coriander leaves about half a cup coriander is high in fiber it helps remove the body waste and it also acts as a blood tonic now put these coriander leaves in a blending jar add just a little amount of normal water and of course blend it after the coriander juice is ready pour it in a block now comes the
The second ingredient lemon is high in vitamin C it cleanses the system purifies of blood and helps digestion squeeze in the juice from one medium-sized lemon next we will add in about 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon lowers the blood sugar and is full of antioxidants also it is naturally sweet then comes the final ingredient one glass of warm water is helpful in weight loss it enhances blood circulation and improves bowel movement finally stir the mixture well and that's all this drink is ready to cut the fat it's best to have this drink early morning empty stomach if having later in the day make sure you do not eat one or before or after also do not overdo it did you find this blog helpful if you have to give it a thumbs up drop in your thoughts below and share it with somebody who mending it also please do remember to subscribe to my Website.
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